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understanding that leads to LIFE
"My people are destroyed because
they lack knowledge.. " Hosea 4:6..
"do not be conformed to the ways of this world,
but be transformed by the renovation of your mind
so that you may be capable to examine the will of God and understand that it is good, acceptable
and perfect."
Romans 12:2
Who Is Jesus?
there are many false claims made about Jesus all made by those who don't and never knew Him;
was He just a man who lived and died a long time ago, as some say?
others who can't logically explain away the miracles, say He was an enlightened man;
then there are religions who know too much, but can't deny Him, teaching that He was just a prophet..
what is it He actually said and what He actually did..
did His words and actions align?
did He also align with what the prophets of old spoke before His coming?
How can we be sure?
Are His teachings still relevant today?
religion vs truth
aren't they connected?
is there even such thing as truth?
(oh yes, the difference is life and death..)
how do we know what is false and what is True?
does it even matter?
(oh my yes!)
is there a difference between christian religion and relationship with Christ?
(most certainly..)
(it is wise to go directly to The Source, Him;
so then He can shed 'Light'..)
ignorance is deadly, so let's get digging!..
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